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NORFED Liberty Dollar Newsletter - January 2000

Aloha and Welcome to the new Millennium



First and most important, there is a new national article on NORFED and the New American Dollar in the works. Many of you have at some time told us an interesting story about how you or someone you know USED the New American Dollar, either as Silver Currency or Silver Libertys. Now we really need for you to tell us again for a MAJOR article regarding the currency and its USE.

As you may know we have opened a new page on the NORFED site, titled WINNING STORIES, as a depository for just such stories. So now is the time to take a moment or two and re-write your story(s) and email them to This is necessary even if you have done this before, because Sarah’s machine crashed…

Please do this ASAP as the article is imminent although it won’t be published for some time… Please note your story does not have to be "fancy" nor long…a sentence or two or up to 100 words or so if fine.

Please include or mention the date as it is important too. As usual we reserve the right to cut & paste without changing the original content. We will also identify you so that you may be interviewed and may actually be quoted in the national article.

Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.


Now with Y2K quickly fading behind us, one is left with "What’s what?"

With so much to do about Y2K, what could possibly explain such a massive non-event?! As I explained in my book Y2K Money – Your Survival Currency, Y2K had been in the works for 40 years. But the world of 40 years ago was a totally different place than today. It is my opinion that the government re-evaluated the situation not long before Y2K and reconsidered their plans to throw America into a national emergency. They blinked. What could possibly account for such a an apparent change in plans. Consider this: Could it be because firearms sales were up substantially from a year ago? Did you know that 9.7 million background checks were done in the first 22 days in December alone in comparison to only 871,644 during the whole month of December 1998. That is over ten times in two-thirds of a month! It would seem that the American people showed their resolve without firing a shot. We said that we will not go peacefully to the showers. And the government took notice! And good that they did. Although this is action was invisible ("nothing happened") to most people and of course would never be acknowledged by the government, it is important for the people to exemplify that constant vigilance is the cost of liberty as our Founding Fathers knew so well. Congratulations to America’s resolve!

Please cut & paste this observation to anyone who you think may find this explanation of interest. Maybe someone with more time than I have could even send this on to the NRA, Gun Owners of America or John Snyder of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.


If you have called the NORFED Fulfillment Center recently, you may have talked to Michelle Jones. NORFED has moved next door to larger and added Michelle to serve you better. As always, if you need my assistance, by all means please contact me.


Many thanks for all your replies to my last mass email. Wow! I still have not had time to read all of them. But it is obvious that you definitely read them and I greatly appreciate all the support. If I missed important info in an email and have not replied, I apologize. It is just simply impossible to read over 200 emails in a day and particularly when I am touring as I am now. This is precisely why I asked for a reply only. So if I missed some important info or if you have not received my reply, please re-send again.

Well that is it once more. Have fun, make money and do good for our Country by sponsoring a new Redemption Center so we can take back America with the New American Dollar – one dollar at a time.

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