NORFED Liberty Dollar Newsletter - September 1999
Dear Fellow NORFEDer’s,
Just back from the US Taxpayers Party Convention in St. Louis and lots to say…
And I am leaving for a major tour to Montana, Idaho and California…So if you don’t have time for all of this, PLEASE READ #1 then jump to the important parts that effects you because if you are in my tour area, I want to meet you if at all possible.
1. UNDOUBTEDLY the most important event is that NORFED has been "SLAMMED" by the "Banking Establishment". The Washington (state) Credit Union League has issued a press release that calls the American Liberty Currency a scam and a fraud. Don’t you like that? We, the ALC is a "fraud". The press release was then picked up by The Seattle Tines who went on to say there weren’t even any Redemption Centers! And "they" wonder why "The People" don’t believe the "news"papers! The press release also quotes Secret Service Agent Joan Reilly of Madison, Wisconsin in well coached phrasogy that would lead the casual reader to believe that what NORFED is doing is illegal and wrong. Of course this couldn’t be further from the truth. And of course are what are "they" to do when "they" don’t want to tell the truth about "their" fraudulent money but LIE. Well, we have already answered this SLAM with a legal opinion letter from our attorney. There is no danger to any of us as we are relying upon the advice of our legal staff. But we do want to send you copies of this and the opinion letter. So relax, enjoy and be sure to read #5…NORFED has no big banker…it is just up to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps…so we now ask you for your continued support, please.
2. The US Taxpayers Party changed their name to the Constitution Party and nominated Howard Phillips and Joe Sobran for President and Vice President. Even more amazing is that I rewrote the Money and Banking plank which was passed without an amendment after I made an impassioned speech before the Platform Committee of about 100 members. My rewrite was in keeping with the Party’s Platform for the repeal of the Federal Reserve and the re-institution of a Constitutional type of currency which I simply called a new American dollar.
3. I encourage every Redemption Center to send a New American Dollar to Howard Phillips and ask him to make HONEST MONEY a key part of his campaign for it is NORFED’s position that much of what is wrong in America is related to the lack of value of its money. Change the Money/Change the Nation.
WRITE TO: Mr. Howard Phillips, Constitution Party, 450 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA 22180…CALL:
4. We have a new (first) audiotape for use by Redemption Centers. It does not direct the listener to contact NORFED but to the person who gave them the tape. You are free, even encouraged to make copies and distribute them. As it is only 30 minutes long, it is hoped that this will lead to more redemption centers and the repeal of the F*R*. Your support is greatly appreciated! Additional copies are only $3.00 each, $2.50 ea. for 10, and $2.00 ea. for 20.
5. Speaking of support…NORFED has mushroomed to over 200 REDEMPTION CENTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if you have never sponsored a Redemption Center then I urge you to do so. If everyone sponsored just one, we could be over 400 REDEMPTION CENTER by Christmas!!!! PLEASE share your passion for our common cause with someone you know. Certainly, you know someone who shares the same feeling about the current criminal government as you do. It costs NOTHING as it is only an exchange of $100 FRN for $100 ALC which is 100% backed and redeemable in SILVER. What say ye??? Please sponsor a RC today and feel good about yourself and your country.
6. We also have a brochure on the old US Taxpayers Party done by Ms. Lydia Kaiser, a very bright Redemption Center and of course a big supporter of the new Constitution Party. We will be sending five of them to you. Even though the Party name is out-of-date, the information is excellent and I ask you to please share it your family and friends. Pay particular attention to the Strategy on the back, because we can WIN and change the government and its fraudulent money if we are disgusted enough to vote for a third party with a Winning Strategy. Please give this a moment of your attention. I did and it changed my life.
7. NOW A WORD ABOUT MONEY!!! It will cost about $5.00 to send you the Legal Opinion Letter, etc. plus the tape and brochures…so if you have not sponsored a RC, please do SOMETHING…like exchange $100 in those dreaded FRN for $100 in ALC or sponsor a RC and get 5% Referral Fee. We need to recoup the $1000 it will take to send this info to all 200 Redemption Centers!!!
8. MONTANA, IDAHO & CALIFORNIA here I come. As many of you know I was on my way when the sheer number of RCs who are involved with the new Constitution Party convinced me to pull a U-turn and return to Missouri for the Constitution Party Convention in St. Louis. So this Saturday I am off on the West Coast Tour.
Unfortunately, I will not be about to visit Washington or Oregon this time as I must visit the warehouse at Sunshine Minting for the Annual Inspection and Tour. I will be holding a rally for Michael Heit, one of our go-go RC’s in Montana and a candidate on the Constitute Party’s affiliates. Then I am off to Las Vegas where I am a featured speaker at the 20th Anniversary of the Soldier of Fortune Convention and Gun Show. I will be in California on Monday, September 27th and will be touring California for three weeks. The first week I will be in the LA area then a tour north, a stop with Dennis Grover, Reno RC, for a TV appearance and then down to San Diego and back to LA and Evansville. It is already a very busy schedule, so if you want to see me, please let me know. And if you have a place for me to stay, that would be better as I prefer to stay with the Redemption Centers because it is more fun and productive too.
9. And finally, if you do not carry a Silver Liberty in our pocket or purse, then you are missing out on the fun of dropping it into your friends hands. Please take one of your Silver Liberty’s and burnish the sharp edge with the shank of a screwdriver until there are NO sharp edges so it will not tear a hole in our pocket or damage anything else. Currently the Silver Libertys are "Proofies" and the sharp edge is part of it. The new Silver Libertys dated 2000 will not be so "Proofie" and will be more user friendly.
And with that happy note, I end this monthly report #4 and wish all of you the very best as we move towards our goal of repealing the F*R* and the IRS by issuing the first honest currency for the marketplace in 86 years. MANY THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS WHICH MAKES WINNING A MATTER OF WHEN NOT IF.
PS: We still don’t have a Redemption Center in Vermont, Connecticut or Delaware!
If you know anyone who could relate to the NORFED mission, please contact us ASAP as we want to have all 50 States covered by our first anniversary on October 1, 1999.