Explore Bernard von NotHaus's writings that cover the Liberty Dollar's design, philosophical underpinnings, legal challenges, and its place in alternative monetary systems. As a prolific writer and editor, von NotHaus has written extensively and gathered notable contributors like Chairman Alan Greenspan, Congressman Ron Paul, and Dr. Richard Timberlake to illuminate the many problems with federal money.
Bearnard von NotHaus' books are often hard to find due to small print runs or discontinued publications, but they are out there and you can find them if you are persistent.
Y2K Money: Your Survival Currency

Bernard von NotHaus wrote this book promoting NORFED and alternative monetary solutions. Drawing parallels with the transformation seen in the U.S. Postal Service after competition from the express package industry, the book argues for similar competition in America's monetary system. Advocating a return to gold and silver standards, von NotHaus's work, written on the eve of Y2K, remains relevant as it champions a monetary system not solely reliant on government-issued currency. Even today, it is surprisingly prescient.
The Liberty Dollar Solution To The Federal Reserve

Bernard von NotHaus's book serves as a guide for those advocating for valuable currency. It discusses the inadequacies of the Federal Reserve and explains the benefits of using the Liberty Dollar to safeguard against monetary crises. Featuring insights from eighteen experts, including Alan Greenspan and Ron Paul, the book argues for a commodity-based currency as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. This compilation presents a persuasive case for replacing fiat currency with gold and silver, asserting that such a change is essential for economic stability. This book is available in both softcover and the collectors hardcover editions.
The Liberty Dollar from Concept to Crypto

This book details the history of the Liberty Dollar and its founder, Bernard von NotHaus. It covers the inception of this alternative currency. Also, it explores the legal challenges faced by von NotHaus, culminating in a raid and his controversial conviction for counterfeiting, which came after years of governmental assurances that the Liberty Dollar was lawful. The book provides a comprehensive look at the motivations behind the currency, the legal battles it sparked, and the persistent commitment of its advocates. It also provides a detailed list of all specie and certificates with pictures.
The Liberty Dollar from Concept to LDFA

The Liberty Dollar from Concept to LDFA is an updated edition commemorating the 25th anniversary of the original The Liberty Dollar from Concept to Crypto. This version expands on the legal challenges faced by the Liberty Dollar and provides a detailed catalog of the specie and certificates. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the evolution of the Liberty Dollar and its impact over the years.
One Toke to God - The Entheogenic Spirituality of Cannabis

This book is a compelling anthology that explores the profound spiritual dimension of cannabis use. It presents 30 essays from distinguished scholars and researchers detailing the historical and present-day use of cannabis as a tool for spiritual connection. The anthology illustrates how cannabis has been a constant in human spiritual exploration from ancient pagan societies through major civilizations to contemporary entheogenic practices. The contributors, all experts in their fields, not only trace the long history of cannabis but also offer guidance on how modern users can engage with this tradition responsibly and legally. With twelve specific guidelines, "One Toke to God" advocates for a personal, thoughtful approach to cannabis in spirituality, emphasizing individual experiences of the divine within.