Gold Certificates
American Liberty Gold Certificates
2006 - American Liberty Currency $1000 Gold Proof

2006 - American Liberty Currency $1000 Gold Proof
This proof certificate is a sample receipt for one ounce of gold with the PR000000 serial, indicating it is a sample rather than a valid gold deposit receipt. Unusually and unlike the example above, it is not marked with "SPECIMEN ONLY," which is likely an oversight by Bernard von NotHaus. He signed and dated the front with "July 4, 2008" to commemorate a picnic party held on that day.

2006 - American Liberty Currency $1000 Gold Proof
This example was personalized, signed, and dated by Bernard von NotHaus.

2000 - American Liberty Currency $500 Gold Proof

3PGold Certificates
3PGold was launched on March 9, 2001 by, Ltd., a gold investment company headquartered in the Commonwealth of Dominica. They sold gold at a slight markup and stored the allocated gold in secured warehouses. They shipped physical bullion in increments of 1 OZT on demand and offered open source gold-based payment system software.
It was purchased by Crowne Gold on March 4, 2002. I can't find much information on these, however they appear to be longer that traditional American Liberty Certificates and have a tear-off certificate for redemption. These are rare, the two images below are the only ones I have seen.
2001 - 3PGold 1 oz. Gold Proof

2001 - 3PGold 1Oz. Gold Certificate